
  • BTL listed BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC) class device.
  • 2.8” screen, 65,536 colors, touch screen TFT LCD, 320*240 pixel, set up and edit with AIRTEK BACsoft software.
  • MS/TP(Master-Slave/Token-Passing) communication interface, with Peer to Peer function can read and write other DDC’s
    object, may issue a read (DS-RP-A/DS-RPM-A) and write (DS-WP-A) BACnet object properties function.
  • EIMnet communication interface can connect up to 12 EIM I/O expansion modules.
  • Binary input (BI) has 1,000Vrms optical coupling isolates capabilities and status indication.
  • Binary output (BO) has 1,000Vrms optical coupling isolate, status indicators, Triac output, manual on/off/auto three position switch.
  • Analog Input (AI) has 16-bit resolution, can be jumper selectable to accept 3KΩ or 10KΩ NTC thermistor, 0~10VDC, and 4~20mA
    input signals.
  • Analog Output (AO) has 16-bit resolution, can be software selected as a 0~10VDC output signal, each point has a manual
    override/auto output control switch.
  • The user’s control program can be downloaded, online edited and saved in flash memory of the controller.
  • Carry out calculations such as proportional, integral, differential, floating, logic, arithmetic and etc.
  • 150 Binary Value (BV) and 150 Analog Value (AV) points, the analog value adopts high precision floating-point calculation.
  • Priority control array by 16 for all BO, AO and BV.
  • Provide power failure backup functions for all AI/BO/AO/BV/AV values keep in FRAM for at least 10 years.
  • Real-time clock, Calendars, Schedules, Notification Class, Event Enrollments standard BACnet object. Schedules and event
    enrollments support external object access function.
  • TFT Touch screen is provided with 10 password levels. User can setup up to 20 passwords..