- BACnet Application Specific Controller (B-ASC) class listed device.
- MS/TP (Master-Slave/Token-Passing) communication interface that connects to the upper layer, global controller.
- MSnet communication interface can connect a MST…, DSP…, DST… control panel or a MODBUS RTU master or slave device.
- High accuracy air pressure differential sensor for low air flow accuracy, fully IC packed to prevent dust ingress.
- BACnet Calibration points for accurate air flow readings.
- Using Airtek Bacsoft software the user can download, modify site specific programs and saved to the flash memory in the controller.
- Real-time debugging function, saves programming time.
- Can perform calculations such as proportional, integral, differential, floating, logic, arithmetic and etc.
- Onboard 100 BV and 100 AV points.
- Standard floating point operation for analog point. (Large value range saves additional work for ratio multiplication).
- Power failure backup function for all AI/BO/AO/BV/AV (values kept in FRAM for at least 10 years).
- 16 Priority array for all BO, AO and BV.
- Combined Controller and actuator for fast and easy installation, built in clutch for manual adjustment, travel limiting stoppers..